Zum Verständnis sollten diese engl. ÜSen helfen:
Carried forward year by year, this all adds up, and the time saved in childhood is a gain for the period of adolescence. (Loebclassics)
For though the knowledge absorbed in the previous years may be but little, yet the boy will be learning something more advanced during that year, in which he would otherwise have been occupied with something more elementary.
19 Such progress each successive year is clear profit to the period of youthhttps://penelope.uchicago.edu/Thayer/E/ ... 1A*.html#1Such progress each successive year increases the total, and the time gained during childhood is clear profit to the period of youth
http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/hopper/tex ... ction%3D19prorogare= verlängern, fortsetzen
praesumere = vorwegnehmen
ac-quīro (ad-quīro), sīvī, sītum, ere (ad u. quaero), I) (als Zuwachs zum Vorhandenen) dazu erwerben, -gewinnen,
https://campus.hubscuola.it/content/upl ... liano1.pdf